Friday, September 6, 2019

�� Backpacking the Never Summer Wilderness - Backpacking Adventure

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This is Susan and I's big adventure for the year and what an incredible trip it was!  3 days in the Never Summer Wilderness in Colorado with nothing but the high elevation mountains and the Moose to keep us company!

2 mountain passes.
3 alpine lakes.

Also, this makes for an incredible Four Pass Loop Alternative.


  1. Fabulous video! What an inspiration. So happy to see you both back out on the trails.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beyond a doubt in my mind, T.O.G.R. is by far the best outdoor adventure channel that YouTube currently has. This particular adventure is also the best video that you guys have done, I've watched it several times already! Thanks for all you work, time & efforts!

  4. Very fun video to watch and i can see you two put a lot of work into making it good for us viewers. Thanks. Looks like you had a great trip.
