Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Very Interesting! - Jack Wolfskin Gossamer II Tent - First Look

Now folks, this is a cool tent; think of a large two person Snugpak Ionosphere and that is what you got with the Gossamer II Tent from Jack Wolfskin.

In this preview, Luke is taking a look at this tent, going over his thoughts and impressions before beginning his field testing.

This is going to be very interesting!

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  1. I've had an older Jack Woolfskin about 30 years now. They were a German company and products were made in Germany. Can't say about today. Mine was a Time Tunnel II
    Same tunnel design handled weather well. I have been very happy with a budget friendly, not cheap product.

  2. Jack Wolfson based in Germany, very popular there especially clothing , but as above I don't know where it's manufactured now.
