Friday, October 12, 2018

Why Do I Open Packages this Way? - Viewer Mail #47

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It's time for another Viewer Mail episode and I am forever thankful for the kindness that you have shown my family and I.  In this episode, some Knife Porn!!!! and I explain why I open packages the way that I do...

You don't want to miss this....    (o_0)

1 comment:

  1. Luke, brother, you deserve all the kudos for your excellent work. We fans recognize professionalism and honesty and show our appreciation with these gifts. After watching this video, I now realize I forgot to add another item I won in the same auction...a 50mm macro lens. I don't know if you can use it but I will send it to you nevertheless, I attempted to send you a video of my man cave but it was too large to attach. I used my Samsung S6 to make the video. Anyway, keep up the incredible work you do. Alphawhiskey47.
