This is the 1st of 3 videos which has gone live today and this is a new giveaway for some great outdoor gear! Enter Now!
The other videos involve the announcement of a winner of a special Patreon Giveaway and there is the winner announcement of the Dutch Military pack as well.
This is a way for me to give back to you all; thank you all for the support.
Hay Luke I've watched your videos forever, seem like 4 or 5 years now I love the videos they always have great content. Really nice cooks set would love to win it....
Nice cook set
ReplyDeleteHi Luke, weather cooling down ,best time to go hiking and camping, well almost,, anytime is a good time... strenth and honor back at my Friend..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood day luke hope all is well my friend
ReplyDeleteLuke great stuff. I really do enjoy your perspective on all the gear you test keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteAs for the cook set sign me up..
The kit would be great to try on Fall campouts. I have my son watching your videos now too. Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeletei would like that cook set if not, the towel to wipe the tears of my face after loosing the cook set :D nice videos Luke
ReplyDeleteIs the mystery bonus gift a silver bullet oh please can it be a silver bullet you know for the werewolves and can kicking zombie deer
ReplyDeleteI enjoy watching you test out all that gear.... it is entertaining as well as informative. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteReady for Hurricane Irma that would passed near Puerto Rico...
ReplyDeleteKeep the vids qcoming Luke. Enter me in the give away.
ReplyDeleteHay Luke I've watched your videos forever, seem like 4 or 5 years now I love the videos they always have great content. Really nice cooks set would love to win it....
ReplyDeleteMaybe I willhave better luck with this than I have with the lotto :-D